I’m Parag. I am a person who is passionate about health. That’s one of the reasons I became a doctor and started my career working for the NHS. Sadly, over the years I’ve seen too much go wrong in the NHS due to poor policies and mismanagement by successive governments. I didn’t just notice that things were going wrong. I also perceived why things were going wrong under so many governments. It’s because they are always obsessed with a targets-driven management culture and what I call metrics mania. Sometimes they choose to measure the most stupid things, failing to think laterally and see that the measure will incentivise perverse behaviours from health providers. This has been true for conservative and labour governments. It’s given rise to such foolishness as league tables, postcode lotteries, abandoned billion pound IT systems and about nine restructures in 20 years. Yes that’s right…nine! NINE! This alone has decimated staff morale. Imagine someone rearranging your home furniture and room layout every two years without your agreement. Would you even be able to find your TV remote?
I realised that even at the top of the medical profession, an individual has very little influence over this culture. That’s why I decided to leave the NHS, study for an MBA and set up a social enterprise to try to influence from the outside. This is what I do. And how do I do it? I strive to bring attention to the myriad of valuable attributes involved in healthcare which simply cannot be measured, such as emotional intelligence, dignity, compassion, quality listening skills and more. Science simply has never come up with a precise way of measuring these soft things. Yet those soft things are actually as important as hard science for superior health and wellbeing of people. Today I promote emotional intelligence and engage in the political sphere. My aim is to get emotional intelligence formally recognised as an equal partner with the rational evidence based approach to healthcare; and for this to influence healthcare policy and decision making on the clinical side as well as the management side. Tall order, huh! Fortunately, I’m an optimist. Lol!
On this website you can expect to see articles, videos and presentations as well as links to other media, which I believe will achieve this aim along with other commentary on current and social affairs. I hope you find it insightful.
Besides that I am an author, musician, singer song-writer and improv comedian. Certain pages on this site will promote those activities too. I also speak several languages and love traveling, sailing, cycling and staying healthy.
I hope you enjoy the posted media materials and I do invite your feedback.
Thank you for visiting!
“Be the change you want to see in the world.
(Mahatma Gandhi)